L Server

49152 MB REG ECC
harddisks 2 x 750 GB
in RAID 1
2 x 1000 GB
in RAID 1
3 x 2000 GB
in RAID 5
3 x 3000 GB
in RAID 5
monthly fee € €99,99 €49,99 € €169,99 €84,99 € €199,99 €99,99 € €299,99 €149,99
server M server L server XL server XXL
operating system Gentoo Linux 2011 (32/64 Bit)
Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS (32/64 Bit)
Windows 2003 Server std. edition (32/64 Bit)
Windows 2008 Server std. edition (32/64 Bit)
Fedora core 14 (32/64 Bit)
CentOS 5 (32/64 Bit)
CentOS 6 (32/64 Bit)
VmWare ESXi 4 (32/64 Bit)
Debian Linux 6 (32/64 Bit)
Open Suse Linux 11 (32/64 Bit)
FreeBSD 8 (32/64 Bit)
OpenBSD 5 (32/64 Bit)
Slackware 13 (32/64 Bit)
and others on request
or volume-based monthly traffic includedVARIABLE MONTHLY COSTS x100-Flat**or

5000 GigaBytes included with full 100 Mbit/s bandwidth and no port limitations, 1,99 € / additional GigaByte


10000 GigaBytes included with full 100 Mbit/s bandwidth and no port limitations, 1,99 € / additional GigaByte


15000 GigaBytes included with full 100 Mbit/s bandwidth and no port limitations, 1,99 € / additional GigaByte


40000GB on 1000MBit/s upstream-port

1 IP address included
reverse lookup delegation for IP-addresses included
Additional IPv4 addresses 30 € one time setup fee withouth monthly or yearly costs, no matter how many IP-addresses you request(IPV6).
IPv6 over IPV4
IPv6 native
Plesk 10 included included included included
Hardware Firewall
+ 19,99 € a month (included with x100-flat and managed plans)
5 GB
+ 19,99 € a month included included included
KVM over ip, remote reinstall, remote powerswitch included included included included
using SSH
MANAGED + 50 € a month
The managed service includes the following services:
- flat traffic:1000 GigaByte on 100 Mbit/s and the rest of the month on 10 MBit/s flat
- hardware firewall
- full backup service
- remote powerswitch
- Replixx control panel
services not avaiable on managed plans:
- root-access using SSH
email-support included
phone-support premium rate phone number
899 40 20 25
reachable from wireline
One time setup fee € 0,00* or ONE monthly fee
monthly fee € €99,99 €49,99 € €169,99 €84,99 € €199,99 €99,99 € €299,99 €149,99
select payment method 3, 6 or 12 months in advance,
wire-transfer or credit-card payments accepted
All prices are excl. VAT.

*:No one time setup-fee with minimum term and pre-payment of 12 months, otherwise one monthly fee is applied as one time setup-fee. NEW CUSTOMERS 2012 PROMOTION:50% discount on first 3 months for new customers.
**:x100-Flat: 100Mbit/s flatrate with only one IP address avaiable per server and only the following TCP-ports avaiable:20 (ftp-data), 21 (ftp), 22 (ssh), 25 (smtp), 53 (dns), 80 (http), 110 (pop3), 143 (imap), 443 (https), 993 (imaps), 995 (pop3s), 1433 (mssql), 3306 (mysql), 3389 (msrdp) and 8443 (Plesk),normally used for the services described in parenthesis. Is is not possible to activate other TCP-ports, nor to add additional IP-addresses.

RIPE NCC member / accreditedLevel 3Incubatec

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