
Dual Intel Hexacore Xeon (24 CPU) 2,4 Ghz 49152 MB REG ECC harddisks 2 x 750 GB in RAID 1 2 x 1000 GB in RAID 1 3 x 2000 GB in RAID 5 3 x 3000 GB in RAID 5 monthly fee € €99,99 €49,99 € €169,99 €84,99 € €199,99 €99,99 € €299,99 €149,99 »» ORDER ONLINE SERVER DETAILS AND SERVICES server M server L server XL server XXL operating system Gentoo Linux 2011 (32/64 Bit) Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS (32/64 Bit) Windows 2003 Server std. edition...

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49152 MB REG ECC harddisks 2 x 750 GB in RAID 1 2 x 1000 GB in RAID 1 3 x 2000 GB in RAID 5 3 x 3000 GB in RAID 5 monthly fee € €99,99 €49,99 € €169,99 €84,99 € €199,99 €99,99 € €299,99 €149,99 »» ORDER ONLINE SERVER DETAILS AND SERVICES server M server L server XL server XXL operating system Gentoo Linux 2011 (32/64 Bit) Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS (32/64 Bit) Windows 2003 Server std. edition (32/64 Bit) Windows 2008 Server std. edition...

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Introducing the most searchable object-based storage solution yet. Archive, manage, and serve large amounts of unstructured data across the Internet with ease. We’ve taken OpenStack Object Storage (code-named Swift) at its core, and created an all-new storage solution that does more than any other object storage service on the market. Built-in search and indexing lets you easily find the object you’re looking for based on assigned...

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Vestibulum non libero in quam vestibulum dignissim a sed sem. Nullam vitae est vitae urna rhoncus sollicitudin. Ut congue lacus molestie augue gravida vitae auctor tortor ornare. Vestibulum sollicitudin vestibulum urna ut tempus. Duis eget dui placerat dui interdum fermentum. Cras lorem nunc, elementum vitae rhoncus quis, aliquet vel erat. Duis elementum justo sed velit mattis semper. Maecenas vel lacus vel nulla suscipit tincidunt in...

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